About Dr. Martha Helliesen

Dr. Martha brings an extensive academic background, combined with 25 years of clinical experience to her comprehensive work with sexology and body/mind therapy. She holds a Ph.D in Neuroscience & Psychology and Sexology and a Master of Science degree in Physiology. Additionally, Martha is a Gestalt therapist, a Licensed Massage Therapist, and a certified Movement Expert. She has spent a lifetime studying and working with people, and is always on top of cutting edge research in the fields that apply to her clinical work. Martha’s profound understanding of the body and brain gives Martha the ability to tailor her clinical work to each client’s unique needs.
Originally from Norway, Martha spent over twenty years in New York City before she started splitting her time between NYC and Miami. She has helped countless people obtain mental, physical and sexual well being. Besides her clinical work, Martha has authored a book as well as several book chapters and academic articles. She has conducted numerous workshops in the US and Canada on how to obtain sexual well being and integration of the brain and the body.
Martha is currently working in Lisbon (Portugal) where she helps clients, of all ages and genders, with a variety of sexual, emotional and “mysterious” pain conditions. Her interdisciplinary background allows her to succinctly assess imbalances underlying client suffering, and create treatment plans that address the core problem rather than the symptoms. Additionally, she skill-fully educates her clients about their issues in order to help them live a full life.
Martha is a member of the NYIGT( New York Institute for Gestalt therapy), NVVS (Dutch Scientific Society for Sexology) ISSM (International Society for Sexual Medicine), ESSM (European Society for Sexual Medicine), and is a founding member of the Fascia Research Society.